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A Bit About Us

Our Sisters' House is a temporary emergency shelter for men, women and families who are experiencing homelessness.


Admission to Our Sisters' House

  • Individuals/families must meet the State and Federal definition of homelessness and be within the Federal Poverty Guidelines

  • Individuals/ families are admitted depending on availability of beds

  • Individuals/families must be physically able to care for their own personal needs and be mentally stable in order to live safely in a communal setting

  • Individuals/families must pass a criminal background check (felony charges/convictions will result in a failed background check)

  • Individuals/families will be required to participate in assigned chores, life skills groups, and volunteer opportunities

  • School aged children must attend school

Mother and Baby
Girl Gazing

Residing at Our Sisters' House

Once admitted, individuals/families will be assigned a room and bed. Each individual/family will be assigned a case worker who will assist them in developing goals with a case plan to work towards self-sufficiency.


Each individual/family will be reviewed on a 30 day basis. To be allowed a full 90 day stay at Our Sisters' House, each individual/family must meet regularly with their case worker, make progress towards their case plan, and follow all the house rules and guidelines. Only one admission in a twelve-month period is permitted.

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